UA Butik Photoshoot

Salam Jumaat,

Walau jahat macam mana pun kita, jangan tinggal solat. Solat lama kelamaan akan menghakis jahiliah dalam diri kita, sehingga akhirnya kita jadi yang terbaik.

OFFICIAL PHOTO FOR MAN OF THE YEAR MALAYSIA TOP 30 FINALISTS (TASK 3) "Don't Judge anyone when they are Down, but Judge them on how they rise Up"
-The rise is always harder then the fall

Theme : Islamic Jubah "Al-Jannah Collection by UA Boutique"
Finalist : Aznil Azmi
Venue, Jubah & Shoe Sponsored by UA Butik​
MUA by Qif Alvarez​
Official Photographer : Adib SC

Special Thanx to Sham Kapt​ as UA Owner & Big boss for giving us this Opportunity and willing to Collaborate with us "Man of the year Malaysia 2018 Organization. *Do follow & Likes UA Butik Official ok?

FB :
IG : @ua_butik
Website :
LAZADA : ua_boutique
ZALORA : UA Boutique
MyBazar : UAButik
Shopee : UA_Butik

cc to ND Zack Zulkifli
Hady Qharnain​, Raymond Djambek​

p/s : Do give his picture LIKES if u think he can be MOTY MALAYSIA 2018 TOP 12 Malaysia Finalists that will go into Grand Final that will be held in KL on JULY 2018.

#moty2018 #motymalaysia #UAButik #TheStyleBeginsHere #manoftheyearmalaysia #manoftheyear #mistermalaysia #missosology #malepageant #pageant #malemodel #model #missmalaysiapageant #lelaki #jubah


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