White shirts, Hi Style trousers, Misope loafer, Topman sunglasses, Seiko watch

This is the second outfit for CTU 261 exam. Examination falls on Monday, the day to day informal UiTM. With the application of color pants, I tend to choose safer colored shirt such as white, light blue and so on. Pair with black and white stripe tie. Seriously, if wearing bright clothes, we do not feel so hot because it absorbs less sunlight.
Thank you also to Nik Fadhil for borrowing his motorcycle.

Stay tuned for the next post Final Exam III.

Photos courtersy of Abe.Long.Dil

Inilah outfit yang kedua bagi exam CTU 261. Peperiksaan tersebut jatuh pada hari isnin iaitu hari formal day bagi UiTM. Dengan pemakaian seluar warna, saya lebih cenderung untuk memilih baju kemeja berwarna selamat seperti putih, biru muda dan sebagainya. Pair dengan tie hitam putih stripe. Seriously, jika memakai pakaian cerah, kita tak terasa begitu panas kerana ia kurang menyerap cahaya matahari. 
Stay tuned untuk next post Final Exam III. 

Photos courtersy of Abe.Long.Dil


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