Polo shirts, Garage jeans, Adidas shoes, BO Concept sunglasses, Seiko watches

Now I'm back in my hometown. Thank God, God still provides the opportunity to return to their villages celebrate the feast. I have yet to buy raya clothes. I thought of surveying the shop first. But now with the congested roads and also raya in just a few days . Haah...stress. Raya target this time, I want to find the jacket and accessories. Tired of just t-shirts and shirts.

Its 1 week only for my raya holiday this time. 1 week is very important because if we fall for it. We will maybe likely to lose in final exam.  But at this holiday time were very difficult to find the mood. That's mood very difficult to get. Now, I only got a little, in 30%. If you can get the 50% already ok. Because when the holiday ends. Quiz ngan test rows ahead.

Finally, I would like to wish Happy Eid to all Muslims around the country. 

I'm back now in my hometown. Alhamdulillah, tuhan masih memberikan kesempatan untuk pulang ke kampung menyambut hari raya. Baju raya masih belum beli lagi. Ingat nak survey dulu la. Tapi yang serabutnya sekarang jalan sesak dan pastu raya dalam beberapa hari saja lagi. Haah...stress. Target raya kali ni, saya nak cari jacket dan aksesori. Bosan asyik t-shirt ngan kemeja.

  Hanya 1 minggu untuk cuti raya kali ini. 1 minggu yang amat penting kerana jika kita lalai dibuainya. Kita bermungkinan untuk tewas dalam final exam. Tapi pada masa cuti begini memang susah nak cari mood. Mood tu memang susah nak dapat. Sekarang, saya cuma dapat sikit, dalam 30%. Kalau dapat dalam 50% pun ok. Kerana bila cuti ini ends. Quiz ngan test berderet datang. 

Akhir sekali, saya ingin ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh negara. 

Photo Courtesy of Shaiful Amrie


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