PADINI shirts, TOPMAN trousers, Vintage espadrilles, OAKLEY sunglasses,SEIKO watch

From week to week, the challenge is greater. Dateline assignment of getting closer. Quiz and test will come in the near future. Normally such times like this students already think Eid al-Fitr already. Its just only one week towards Eid al-Fitr holidays.  I'm excited already of going back home. Iftar with the family for the first time. This photo was captured last week after I get my hair cut. This picture was captured last week after I get a haircut. Thanks to my friend Amir Taufiq which makes it a reality.

Dari minggu ke minggu, cabarannya semakin besar. Tarikh untuk hantar assignment semakin hampir. Quiz dan test akan datang dalam masa terdekat ini. Kebiasaanya masa-masa begini pelajar dah fikir hari raya dah. Seminggu sahaja lagi kita dah nak cuti hari raya. Dah tak sabar rasanya nak balik kampung. Buka puasa dengan keluarga untuk pertama kali. Gambar ini ditangkap pada minggu lepas selepas saya memotong rambut. Terima kasih kepada kawanku Amir Taufiq yang menjadikan ia realiti. 

photo courtesy of Insan Kesepian


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